The Construction Users Roundtable

about CURT

Our Mission
Our History
Our Focus
Become a CURT Member
Board of Trustees & Staff
Current Activities
Committees & Core Initiatives
Contact CURT

Our Mission

The Construction Users Roundtable (CURT) exists to create a competitive advantage for construction users. CURT accomplishes this multifaceted objective by providing aggressive leadership on those business issues that promote excellence in the creation of capital assets.

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Our History

Formed in the fall of 2000 by construction and engineering executives representing major corporations from across the United States. CURT's primary goal is to enact broad, effective Owner representation and increased Owner leadership on construction industry issues. Continuing the 30-year effort of the Construction Committee of the Business Roundtable, CURT provides a national forum for the exchange of information, views, practices and policies of construction users from an array of industries.

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Our Focus

An autonomous, not-for-profit organization, CURT strives to produce meaningful changes within the construction industry-promoting overall cost effectiveness; improving the way construction is planned, managed, justified and executed. Additionally, CURT works toward changing and improving what Owners allow, require and accept responsibility for on their global construction projects.

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become a CURT member

Owners, apply now for membership. Fill out the member application form (PDF file) and return to the CURT office at 4100 Executive Park Drive, Suite #210, Cincinnati, OH 45241 or fax your application to 513-733-9551. Contractors and associations, contact the CURT office at or by phone at 513-563-4131.

CURT exists to

  • Improve quality and cost effectiveness in Owner company construction and maintenance projects
  • Represent "the owners' voice" to the industry and to give owners direct involvement in national construction issues
  • Provide a resource for sharing best practices among owner companies
  • Supply a forum to address mutual owner issues - especially those of safety, workforce, productivity improvement and other cost-reduction strategies.
  • Create an opportunity for owners to network on domestic and international issues
  • Promote education and training on key industry initiatives
  • Provide a repository for owner resources so they may become more-effective decision makers
  • Communicate and interact with contractors and contractor associations to assure that the owners' voice is heard and understood
  • Improve existing and create new strategic alliances with both open-shop and unionized sectors of the industry
  • Develop industry standards and owner expectations with respect to safety, training and worker qualifications
  • Empower and enhance the effectiveness of Local User Councils throughout North America

What Can CURT Do For You and Your Company?

  • Provide leadership to the industry and drive change by creating a strong industry platform for owners
  • Create resources for sharing best practices among owners
  • Establish a forum for owners to network on domestic and international issues
  • Develop industry standards and owner expectations regarding safety, training and worker/contractor qualifications
  • Promote workforce development and supply in all industry sectors
  • Assist owners with improving quality and cost effectiveness of their company's construction and maintenance operations
  • Provide continuing education workshops and seminars for the professional development of members and their employees
  • Facilitate networking opportunities with counterparts in other companies
  • Create initiatives that drive change and reflect your company's challenges and concerns
  • Collaborate with owners, contractors and construction trade associations on policy and industry recommendations
  • Supply white papers, reports, survey results and publications for decision-making and educational purposes

Owners can and should

  • Join CURT today with a Corporate Membership
  • Engage multiple representatives in CURT initiatives, committees and other learning opportunities
  • Implement CURT recommendations
  • Take advantage of CURT seminars, workshops and conferences
  • Accept responsibility to drive change
  • Learn how other owners succeed
  • Strive for continual improvement

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board of trustees & staff

2009 CURT Board of Trustees

From left to right: Egon Larsen, Steven B. Satrom, Curtis Baker, Art Goehry, Michael G. Conley, Chuck Hardy, Gregory L. Sizemore, and Allen Bunner.

CURT Board of Trustees:

CURT Staff:

  • Best Practices Coordinator & LUC Liaison: Robert C. Volkman
  • Sr. Executive Assistant: Donna Janssens
  • Director of Conferences: Gregory Palmer
  • Administrative Assistant: Sherry Williams
  • Website Coordinator: Jean Bissell
  • Website Content Manager: Steve Lindholm
  • Director of Operations: Dan Groves

You can contact CURT at

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The Construction Users Roundtable was formed in the summer of 2000 by construction and engineering executives representing major corporations that are among the largest consumers in the construction industry. The formation of the association was prompted by a desire to continue the thirty-year effort of the Construction Committee of the Business Roundtable. The objective in the new organization is to have broader owner representation and increased owner input on industry issues.

CURT is an autonomous organization that provides a forum for the exchange of information, views, practices and policies of various owners at the national level. Similar groups, called Local User Councils, function at the local level and seek to address problems of cost, quality, safety and overall cost effectiveness in their respective area.

CURT stands for improvement. It stands for improving overall cost effectiveness. It stands for improving the way construction is planned, managed, accounted for, regulated and executed. It stands for improving the way workers are motivated, supervised and work.

CURT also stands for change; changing and improving what owners permit, require and accept responsibility for.

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current activities

CURT has developed several initiatives that it feels will improve construction cost effectiveness. In addition, members and associates actively participate in regular meetings, conferences and seminars. Special reports and publications will also be distributed on a regular basis. Each year a National Construction Owners Conference is held to highlight and showcase the latest industry developments affecting construction cost effectiveness from the owners' perspective.

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committees & core initiatives

  • Safety Improvement and Safety Excellence Recognition
  • Work Force Development and Craft Training
  • Industrial Relations With Associations and Labor
  • Local User Council Support and Development
  • Legislative Vigilance
  • Sponsorship of the National Construction Owners Conference
  • Industry Communications and Technology Deployment

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Center for Workforce Development

CURT web-based training is convenient
and cost effective. Attend from your travel required!
Learn more.
See the 2010 schedule of events.

Join us for a free, live, web-based demonstration of the CWDC Craft Labor Supply/Demand Forecasting