The Construction Users Roundtable

luc safety award

Purpose of CISE Awards Program
Description of the LUC Safety Award
Criteria for Application Evaluation
Application Process
Application Deadline
Awards Program Schedule
Selection Process and Awards Presentation

purpose of cise awards program

Construction Industry Safety Excellence (CISE) awards will be conferred upon those organizations who can demonstrate exemplary construction safety programs. The objectives of the Construction Industry Safety Excellence awards are to:

  • Focus attention on improving construction safety
  • Recognize stellar performers
  • Increase understanding and implementation of CURT and Business Roundtable publications and CII research
  • Publicize model safety programs
  • Convey to the construction industry CURT's full support of owner involvement in safety management

To further these objectives, the CISE Awards Subcommittee shares feedback from the awards program during CURT's annual National Construction Owners Conference. In support of this effort, award recipients may be asked to present information on their award winning programs at the annual conference.backtotop (1K)

description of the luc safety award

The Local User Council (LUC) Construction Industry Safety Excellence Award will recognize and reward exemplary leadership on the part of an LUC for the implementation of programs resulting in safety enhancement among their members. The award is intended to convey The Construction Users Roundtable's strong support of LUC leadership in safety enhancement and to recognize the fact that these LUCs play a primary role in leading and educating their members in effective safety management.

This award will be made on the basis of leadership in improving construction site safety, demonstrated through strong programs and effective measurement systems that collect and distribute safety performance data for their members' guidance. Only one award will be made each year. Eligibility for the LUC CISE Award will be restricted to every third year (winner of the 2009 Award will not be eligible again until 2012).backtotop (1K)

criteria for application evaluation

Awards will be based upon The Construction Users Roundtable panel's evaluation of proposals submitted by interested LUCs. The award application must provide written, descriptive information delineating the group's in-place safety programs and achievements. Submittals should include the elements listed below and should not exceed the equivalent of six printed pages with a type font no smaller than 10 point and adequate margins. Charts, graphs, or other illustrations may be embedded only in Part 2 and must be included in the page count.

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application process

LUCs must complete the following steps to apply:

  1. Originate
  2. Review
  3. Approve
  4. Submit


The LUC's application originator should download the electronic LUC application form and fill in all requested information.


The originator should distribute the application draft or any required internal review, incorporate feedback and comments, and finalize the application. This could be done either by routing a hardcopy or through e-mail distribution.


The originator should forward the final draft to the Chief Executive Officer or Executive Director of the LUC or their designee for final review and approval.


When approval is received, the originator should submit the approved application directly to the CURT office:

  • Electronically via e-mail to .
    It is preferred that the application be submitted electronically. If submitting the application electronically, the following guidelines apply:
    1. The application may be submitted as an MS Word® (doc) document or as an Adobe Acrobat® (pdf) file.
    2. The file name of the document should be formatted in the following manner:
      2010LUCCISEAPP-LUC name
    3. The application shall be contained in a single electronic file.
  • Or by hardcopy to:
    CISE Awards Program
    The Construction Users Roundtable
    4100 Executive Park Drive, Suite 210
    Cincinnati, OH 45241-4023
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application deadline

Completed applications must be received in the CURT office by 16 July 2010.backtotop (1K)

awards program schedule

The schedule for this year's awards process is as follows:

  • 1 May 2010 - Applications available on the CURT website.
  • 16 July 2010 - Applications must be received by the CURT office.
  • 8-10 November 2010 - Awards presentation ceremony at The Construction Users Roundtable National Conference to be held at the Buena Vista Palace Hotel in Orlando, FL.
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selection process and awards presentation

The Construction Users Roundtable Awards Panel will review applications that are complete, signed and meet eligibility requirements. The evaluation will be based on a consensus decision by the panel. The panel will take into consideration the factors enumerated above. In addition, the panel will look for the best-defined program, the program with the greatest probability of success and the program that is most likely to have a positive impact on the industry.

The recipients of the LUC CISE Award will be recognized at an awards ceremony to take place at The Construction Users Roundtable National Conference, 16-18 November 2009. A representative of the winning LUC must be registered and in attendance at the CURT National Conference to receive the award.
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Previous recipients of the Local User Council Safety Excellence Award must sit out two years before reapplying to receive the award again. (Example: Award winners from the November 2009 Awards Program may not apply again until 2012.)

Questions may be answered by emailing .
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